New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

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New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by 2cv001 »

Hello, a new macro here : ... preadsheet
Discussion in French in the forum : viewtopic.php?t=75972

Macro which, with a simple click on a spreadsheet cell, adds a length constraint to a line or between 2 points using a spreadsheet cell alias or address (ex. C2). Future changes to the spreadsheet will update the constraint. Macro can create alias for you.

Just select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint, click on a spreadsheet cell and run the macro. You can select lines, points at the ends of a line, points, circle, arc of circle.

If we run the macro when we have not yet created a spreadsheet, it suggests to create one and opens it so that we can start filling it in.

It is a beta version, if you use it, thanks to tell me if it is ok for you.

Last edited by 2cv001 on Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet : ... adsheet/fr
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Re: New Macro

Post by chrisb »

Please consider renaming the topic to something more descriptive.
A Sketcher Lecture with in-depth information is available in English, auf Deutsch, en français, en español.
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Re: New Macro

Post by Syres »

2cv001 wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:39 pm It is a beta version, if you use it, thanks to tell me if it is ok for you.
Just reading the code without being at a PC to use it yet, are you going to make it all true English and then apply Translate to the text elements, at the moment the 'Franglais' is really off-putting? I'll test it on a English(UK) Windows box later as I suspect some of the characters will cause some errors.
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Re: New Macro

Post by 2cv001 »

chrisb wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:50 pm Please consider renaming the topic to something more descriptive.
Done. Thanks.
Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet : ... adsheet/fr
Posts: 54273
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by chrisb »

2cv001 wrote: Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:32 pmDone.
Good, that makes it available to interested users and search engines.
A Sketcher Lecture with in-depth information is available in English, auf Deutsch, en français, en español.
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by Syres »

As I anticipated I got an error :

Code: Select all

20:11:37  <class 'SyntaxError'>: ("(unicode error) 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 411: invalid continuation byte", ('E:/Data/FreeCAD/Macro/SketchConstraintFromSpreadsheet.FCMacro', 42, 1, "'''\n"))
Therefore below is the macro after my modifications to stop the error, improve the macro folder lookup and make readability improvements.

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =========================================================================
# Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet
# file name : sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheet.FCMacro
# ========================================================================
# ==                                                                    ==
# == Adds a length constraint to a line or between 2 points             ==
# == using a spreadsheet cell alias or name (ex. C2).                   ==
# == Future changes to the spreadsheet will update the constraint.      ==
# == if necessary, the macro help you to create alias                   ==
# == USE:                                                               ==
# == 1) Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint                         ==
# == 2) Click on a spreadsheet cell                                     ==
# == 3) Launch the macro                                                ==
# ==    if the cell has an alias, the length property will be something ==
# ==    like 'Spreadsheet.alias'.                                       ==
# ==    if not, just something like 'Spreadsheet.C2'                    ==
# == You can select lines, points line, points, circle...               ==
# == You can't select external objetcs  (next version will be able to   ==
# ========================================================================
# ========================================================================
__author__ = "2cv001"
__title__   = "Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"
__date__    = "2023/03/16"    #YYYY/MM/DD
__version__ = __date__
__icon__    = ""
__Wiki__    = ""

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
import PySide2
from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication
import PySide
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import Draft, Part, Sketcher
import itertools
import configparser
import os
from importlib import reload 
importAliasOk = True
macroDirectory = FreeCAD.getUserMacroDir(True)
# try : 
#     import sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheetAlias
#     reload(sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheetAlias)
#     from sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheetAlias import setAlias
# except :
#     importAliasOk=False
#     App.Console.PrintWarning('You could Automatiquely add alias if you had'+
#         ' file in same directory'+
#         'than sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheetAlias') # On pr�vient l'utilisateur dans le rapport

# part code for alias
# parameters for alias creation
separateur = ' '      # typically put " " so blanks will be replaced by nouveauCaract
nouveauCaract = ''    #Put for example "_" to have the separators replaced by "_". Put "" to have no separator
majuscule = True      #set to True if you want  "Diametre du cercle" to be "DiametreDuCercle"
changeTexteCellule = False  # the text will only be changed if changeCellText is True. 
                          # This does not change anything for the alias itself
premierCaractereEnMinuscule = True # Force the first character to be in lower case

# list of characters to be replaced by an equivalent. for example '�' will be replaced by 'e
# if you add characters, please send me a private message. Il will eventually add it in my code.
caracEquivalents = [ ['�','e'],['�','e'],['�','a'],['@','a'],['&','e'],['�','c'],['�','2'],["'",''] ]

def remplaceCartatParEquivalent(caractere):
# replaces a character with its equivalent if it exists
    caracResult = caractere   
    for couple in caracEquivalents:
        if (couple[0]==caractere):
    return caracResult

def remplaceCararcDansMot(mot):
#replaces all characters of the word with its equivalent if it exists
    motResult = mot
    for caract in mot:
        a = remplaceCartatParEquivalent(caract)
        motResult = motResult.replace(caract,a)
    return motResult

def traitementChaineSource(chaineSource,separateur,nouveauCaract,majuscule):
# If separator is ' ' and nouveauCaract is '_', and majuscule is True
# transforms "Diametre du cylindre" into "Diametre_Du_Cylindre
    chaineResult = ''
    first = True
    carctDeSeparation = ''
    for mots in chaineSource.split(separateur): 
        mots = remplaceCararcDansMot(mots)
        if (not (first)):
        if (majuscule):
            chaineResult = chaineResult+nouveauCaract+mots[:1].upper()+mots[1:]
            # We use "[:1]" instead of "[0]", 
            # for no crash in case of an empty string (which happens if the cell is empty)
    if premierCaractereEnMinuscule :
    return chaineResult

def setAlias():
    sels = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
    # If the user wants to trigger the creation of alias
    # it is sufficient that he does not select any objects in the sketch 
    # but select cells containing strings in the left hand column 
    # of where he want the alias to be created
    # so test if an object is selected :
    # result : False if macro can continue.
    if len(sels)!= 0 :
        return False
    else :
         ### A dialogue is displayed asking the user if he is sure
        if QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(Gui.getMainWindow(),
        'Warning','You did not select any object in an active sketch.'+ 
        '\nDoes it mean you want to create alias automatiquely for cells at the right of selected cells ?',
        QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: 
            # if user dont want
            return False
    aw = Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().activeSubWindow() # Store the active window       
    try :
        mySpreadSheet = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSheet()
    except :
         QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Warning", "No active spreadsheet with selected cells.")
         return True
    # To get he complete list of all selected cells      
    sel_items = aw.widget().findChild(QtGui.QTableView).selectedIndexes() 

    ### We define a function that will return the cell identifier from its row (r) and column (c) numbers
    ### Numbers start at 0 for the first row/column
    ### Columns are correctly managed with a 2-letter identifier
    cellName = lambda r,c:'{}{}{}'.format(chr(c//26 + 64) if c//26 > 0 else '', chr(c%26+65), r+1)

    # we check that one of the cells is not a numeric. If not, message and exit
    for item in sel_items: # The selected cells are scanned
        cell = cellName(item.row(),item.column()) # We retrieve the cell ID
        activeCellContenu = mySpreadSheet.getContents(cell)
        f = ''
        try :
            f = float(activeCellContenu)
        except :
        if f != '' :
                "Warning", "There is a number in one of the selected cells."+
                " Alias is not possible. \nTry again after correction")
            return False
    for item in sel_items: # The selected cells are scanned
        cell = cellName(item.row(),item.column()) # The cell identifier is retrieved
        next_cell = cellName(item.row(), item.column()+1) # We get the ID of the cell next to the right
        activeCellContenu = mySpreadSheet.getContents(cell)
        # processing the character string contained in the cell
        activeCellContenu = traitementChaineSource(activeCellContenu,separateur,nouveauCaract,majuscule)
        if changeTexteCellule:# if the changeCellText parameter is set to True then we replace the text in the cell
            mySpreadSheet.set(cell, activeCellContenu)
        alias = activeCellContenu

        try: # Bloc try to recover errors
            mySpreadSheet.setAlias(next_cell, alias) # The alias is assigned to the right-hand neighbouring cell

        except ValueError: # If a "ValueError" is triggered (which happens when the alias is not valid)
            # The user is warned in the report
            App.Console.PrintWarning("Can't set alias for cell {} : {} isn't valid\n".format(next_cell, alias))
    return True        

# End part code for alias

# if no spreadsheet detected, ask for a creation
# return :
# 'exist' if one already exists
# 'new' if a new is create
# 'no' if user does not want it
def isExistSpreadSheet() :
    def firstSpreadSheet(doc = App.ActiveDocument):
        for obj in doc.Objects:
            if obj.TypeId == 'Spreadsheet::Sheet':
                return obj
        return None
    if not mySpreadSheet :
        wantNewSpreadSheet = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, "No spreadsheet detected",
        "No spreadsheet in your document. Create one ?",
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)

        if wantNewSpreadSheet == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:
            mySpreadSheet = App.activeDocument().addObject('Spreadsheet::Sheet','Spreadsheet')
            return 'new'
        else :
            return 'no'
    return 'exist'

# Dialog box
# Ask user which sort of constraint is required
class getConstraintType(QtGui.QDialog):
    def __init__(self, widgetToFocus=None):
        super(getConstraintType, self).__init__()
        self.widgetToFocus = widgetToFocus

    def initUI(self):
        gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
        option1Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_HorizontalDistance.svg"), "")
        option2Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_VerticalDistance.svg"), "")
        option3Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_Length.svg"), "")
        option1Button.setText("Lenght constrainte X")
        option2Button.setText("Lenght constrainte Y")
        option3Button.setText("Lenght constrainte")
        option1Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte X")
        option2Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte Y")
        option3Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte")

        option4Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/application-exit.svg"), "Cancel")
        option4Button.setToolTip("Option 4 tooltip")

        gridLayout.addWidget(option1Button, 0, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option2Button, 0, 1)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option3Button, 1, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option4Button, 1, 1)

        self.setGeometry(250, 250, 0, 50)
        self.setWindowTitle("Choose a constraint type")
        self.choiceConstraint = ''


        # set focus to specified widget
        if self.widgetToFocus == 'DistanceX':
        elif self.widgetToFocus == 'DistanceY':
        elif self.widgetToFocus == 'Distance':

        # Add checkbox
        self.checkBox = QtGui.QCheckBox("Conflict detection")
        gridLayout.addWidget(self.checkBox, 2, 0, 1, 2)

        # read ini file to get last checkBoxState
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        try :
  , 'constraintFromTabIcone.ini'))
            # read ini file to know last time state
            lasChecked = config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'save_checkbox_state')
        except :
            print('no ini file. Ini file will be create for next launch')

        # window positioning
        centerPoint = QGuiApplication.screens()[0].geometry().center()
        self.move(centerPoint - self.frameGeometry().center())

    def onOption1(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'DistanceX'

    def onOption2(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'DistanceY'

    def onOption3(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'Distance'

    def onOption4(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'Cancel'

    def onOptionCheckBox(self):
        # Save checkbox state to file
        filePath = os.path.join(macroDirectory, 'constraintFromTabIcone.ini')
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config['DEFAULT'] = {'save_checkbox_state': str(int(self.getCheckBoxState()))}
        with open(filePath, 'w') as configfile:

    def getCheckBoxState(self):
        return self.checkBox.isChecked()

# Give the focus to editing sketch window
# no parameter
# use : activateSketchEditingWindow()
def activateSketchEditingWindow():
    def searchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel=0):
        return recursiveSearchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel, 1)

    def recursiveSearchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel, currentLevel):
            if tree.getByName(childName):
                return True;
            elif maxLevel > 0 and currentLevel >= maxLevel:
                return False;
                for child in tree.getChildren():
                    if recursiveSearchForNode(child, childName, maxLevel, currentLevel+1):
                        return True
        return False

    doc = Gui.ActiveDocument
    if not doc:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No active document")
    views = Gui.ActiveDocument.mdiViewsOfType("Gui::View3DInventor")
    if not views:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No 3D view opened for active document")
    for view in views:
        if searchForNode(view.getSceneGraph(), "Sketch_EditRoot",3):
            editView = view
    if not editView:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No 3D view has sketch in edit mode for active document")
    for win in Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().subWindowList():
        if editView.graphicsView() in win.findChildren(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView):

# to get necessary values for the constraint
# Parameters :
# sel : selection of objects (a line, 2 points..).
# numOrdreObjSelected if we want the first objetc selected or the second.
# indexExtremite if we want the start point (1) or the end point (2), if exist, of the sel
# return features of a point
# - typeInSubElementName
# - indexObjectHavingPoint index of the object having the point (line...)
# - indexExtremiteLine index of the ends (points) of the line (=start point or end point)
# -x,y : coordinates of the point
def featuresObjSelected (mySketch,sel,numOrdreObjSelected,indexExtremite) :
    indexExtremiteLine = 1
    indexObjectHavingPoint = -10
    typeIdGeometry = None
    x,y = 0,0
    itemName=sel.SubElementNames[numOrdreObjSelected] # ex Edge5 ( line)
    if itemName == 'RootPoint' :
        typeInSubElementName = 'RootPoint'
        indexObjectHavingPoint = -1
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        x,y = 0,0
    else :
        typeInSubElementName, numInNameStr = [''.join(c) for _, c in itertools.groupby(itemName, str.isalpha)] # Edge5 renvoie'Edge' et '5'
        numInName=int(numInNameStr) # index de ce qui a �t� s�lectionn� =numInName1-1 car commence � 0

    # only one selected object
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Edge'and len(sel.SubElementNames)==1: # selection is only one line
        indexObjectHavingPoint = numInName-1
        indexExtremiteLine = indexExtremite
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        # typeIdGeometry : 'Part::GeomCircle' or 'Part::GeomLineSegment'
        if typeIdGeometry in ['Part::GeomLineSegment'] :
            if indexExtremite == 1 :
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.y
            elif indexExtremite == 2 :
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.y

    # We selected a circle but for center (two objects selected)
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Edge'and len(sel.SubElementNames)==2:
        indexObjectHavingPoint = numInName-1
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        print('425 typeIdGeometry',typeIdGeometry)
        if typeIdGeometry in  ['Part::GeomCircle','Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] :
            indexExtremiteLine=3 # 3 for center

    # We selected a vertex
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Vertex' : # selection is 2 points. sel is a vertex (a point of a line) :
        indexObjectHavingPoint, indexExtremiteLine = sel.Object.getGeoVertexIndex(numInName-1)
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId=='Part::GeomLineSegment' :
            if indexExtremiteLine == 1 :
            if indexExtremiteLine == 2:
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.y
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId=='Part::GeomPoint' :
            x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].X
            y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Y
        # we select a vertex Circle (so the center)
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId in ['Part::GeomCircle','Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] :
            x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.x
            y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.y

    if typeInSubElementName == 'Constraint' and len(sel.SubElementNames) == 1 :
        indexConstraint = numInName-1
        indexObjectHavingPoint = indexConstraint
        typeIdGeometry = 'Constraint'

    return typeIdGeometry,typeInSubElementName, indexObjectHavingPoint, indexExtremiteLine, x ,y

# call at end
def procEnd():

# function returning selected objects at GUI level
# =Sketch, SpreadSheet ....
# parameter :
# '' = no filter
# 'Spreadsheet::Sheet' for spreadsheets only
# 'Sketcher::SketchObject' for sketches etc...
# output: an array of sketch objects, spreadsheets etc.
def getGuiObjsSelect(type = ''):
    selections = Gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()
    for sel in (selections):
        if hasattr(sel, 'Object'):   # depend freecad version
            if type == '' or sel.Object.TypeId == type :
        else :
            obj = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(sel.Name)
            if type == '' or obj.TypeId == type :
    return tabGObjSelect

# Main proceddure
def main():
    sheckBoxConstraintConflicState = False
    indexConstraint = -1
    if isExistSpreadSheet() in ['no','new'] :
    # have a look if user wants alias
    if importAliasOk :
        if setAlias():
    try :
        mySketch = ActiveSketch
    except :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None,"Warning","Select object must be done in edition mode")
    mySketchName = mySketch.Name #actually not use

    # Part SpreadSheet
    sheets = getGuiObjsSelect('Spreadsheet::Sheet')
    for sheet in sheets :
    try :
        mySpreadSheet = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSheet()
    except :
                "1- Select a line or 2 points"+
                "\n 2- go to a spreadsheet"+
                "\n 3- select the cell containing the value."+
                "\n 4- stay in the spreadsheet and launch the macro")
    mySpreadSheetName = mySpreadSheet.Name
    # select the Spreadsheet To be able to retrieve the selected cell :
    # retrieve the selected cell
    ci = lambda :Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().activeSubWindow().widget().findChild(QtGui.QTableView).currentIndex()
    cellCode = '{}{}{}'.format(chr(ci().column()//28 + 64) if ci().column()//26 > 0 else '', chr(ci().column()%26+65), ci().row()+1)
       cellContents = float(mySpreadSheet.get(cellCode))
                 "Click on a cell with a numeric value before runing the macro")
    cellAlias= App.ActiveDocument.getObject(mySpreadSheetName).getAlias(cellCode)

    # Part sketch
    sels = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()

    if len(sels) == 0 or len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 0 :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None,"Warning","Anathing is select.\n"+
              "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")
    elif len(sels[0].SubElementNames) > 2  :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None,"Warning","Too many objects selected.\n"+
              "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")
    else :

        # only one obj selected
        if len(sels[0].SubElementNames)==1 : # only one obj selected
            #startPoint of the line
            (typeIdGeometry1,typeInSubElementName1, indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexExtremiteLine1, x1 ,y1)=featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0],0,1)
            if typeInSubElementName1=='Constraint' and len(sels[0].SubElementNames)==1 :
            elif typeIdGeometry1=='Part::GeomLineSegment' :
                (typeIdGeometry2, typeInSubElementName2, indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexExtremiteLine2, x2 ,y2)=featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0],0,2)

        # two obj selected
        if len(sels[0].SubElementNames)== 2: # two obj selected
            (typeIdGeometry1,typeInSubElementName1, indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexExtremiteLine1, x1 ,y1)=featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0],0,1)

            print('575 typeIdGeometry1',typeIdGeometry1)
            (typeIdGeometry2,typeInSubElementName2, indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexExtremiteLine2, x2 ,y2)=featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0],1,1)
            if ((typeInSubElementName1 not in ('Vertex' , 'RootPoint') or typeInSubElementName2 not in ('Vertex','RootPoint'))
                    and not(typeIdGeometry1 in ('Part::GeomCircle','Part::GeomArcOfCircle') and typeInSubElementName1 in ['Edge'])) :
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None,"Warning","2 objects are selected but not 2 points .\n"+
                "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")

    # line or points have been selected have a look if we need to swap points
    # -------------------------------------
    if ((len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 and typeIdGeometry1 in['Part::GeomLineSegment'] )
           or (len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 2 and typeIdGeometry1
            in['Part::GeomLineSegment','Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle', 'Part::GeomPoint'] )) :

        # ask the user what kind of constraint he wants
        # to give focus on the good button
        # (Button DistanceX if the two points are more horizontal than vertical)
        if abs(x1 - x2) > abs(y1 - y2) :
            buttonHavingFocus = 'DistanceX'
        else :
            buttonHavingFocus = 'DistanceY'
        form = getConstraintType(buttonHavingFocus)
        # is the checkboxSheced ?
        sheckBoxConstraintConflicState = form.getCheckBoxState()
        if form.choiceConstraint in ('Cancel','') :
        myConstraint = form.choiceConstraint # 'DistanceX' or 'DistanceY' or 'Distance'

        if (myConstraint == 'DistanceX' and x1 > x2) or (myConstraint == 'DistanceY' and y1 > y2) :
                indexObjectHavingPoint1,indexObjectHavingPoint2 = indexObjectHavingPoint2,indexObjectHavingPoint1
                indexExtremiteLine1,indexExtremiteLine2 = indexExtremiteLine2,indexExtremiteLine1

    # create constraint
    if cellAlias == None :
        cellExpression = mySpreadSheetName + '.' + cellCode
    else :
        cellExpression = mySpreadSheetName + '.' + cellAlias

    if (len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 and typeIdGeometry1 in ['Part::GeomCircle','Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] ) :
        indexConstraint = mySketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Diameter', indexObjectHavingPoint1, cellContents))

    elif typeIdGeometry1 != 'Constraint' : # no selected constraint, just line or points
        #create the constraint
        indexConstraint = mySketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint(myConstraint
                 , indexObjectHavingPoint1,indexExtremiteLine1,indexObjectHavingPoint2,indexExtremiteLine2, cellContents))

    # for all type, set the constraint'formula' (ex : 'spreadSheet.unAlias'
    mySketch.setExpression('Constraints[' + str(indexConstraint) + ']',cellExpression)

    # put Sketch window ahead
    # FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()
    #if Gui.ActiveDocument.getInEdit() == Gui.ActiveDocument.Sketch:

    # is ther constraintes conflicts ?
    if sheckBoxConstraintConflicState :
        #if App.activeDocument().isTouched(): # isTouched is not ok in Daily Freecad
        if 'Invalid' in mySketch.State :
            a = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, "",
                "Constraints conflic detected. Cancel constraint ? ",
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)
            if a == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:


if __name__ == '__main__':

IMHO there are still improvements to stop the ini file not found repeatedly appearing in the Report View but it does what it says on the tin.

Tested using:

Code: Select all

OS: Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601: SP 1)
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: 0f4acc55beb66dcc9dfab442344c6286d6a2913e
Python 3.8.10, Qt 5.15.2, Coin 4.0.1, Vtk 8.2.0, OCC 7.6.3
Locale: English/United Kingdom (en_GB)
Installed mods: 
  * A2plus 0.4.60f
  * Alternate_OpenSCAD 1.0.0
  * Assembly3 0.11.4
  * CfdOF 1.20.4
  * Curves 0.6.6
  * fasteners 0.4.54
  * fcgear 1.0.0
  * freecad.xray 2022.4.17
  * Help 1.0.3
  * Manipulator 1.5.0
  * Plot 2022.4.17
  * Render 2023.2.2
  * sheetmetal 0.2.59
  * Silk 1.0.0
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by 2cv001 »

Thank for your feedback !
I did not know that the

Code: Select all

created problems with some configurations. I will delete this comments. I found some comments in French. I will delete or translate them.
I saw that you suggest to use

Code: Select all

rather than

Code: Select all

FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro").GetString("MacroPath") + "\\"
It looks more simple. I don't know if this always gives the same result for all configurations. I guess it does.

I saw that you have problems with some characters not used in English
Capture.PNG (21.67 KiB) Viewed 2454 times
With my configuration, it is ok with :
Capture0.PNG (5.24 KiB) Viewed 2454 times

I don't know what to do about that

I did not see any other differences. Did I miss anything else?
Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet : ... adsheet/fr
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Posts: 484
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by 2cv001 »

@Syres Thanks again !!

Is it ok like this ?

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =========================================================================
# Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet
# file name : sketchConstraintFromSpreadsheet.FCMacro
# ========================================================================
# ==                                                                    ==
# == Adds a length constraint to a line or between 2 points             ==
# == using a spreadsheet cell alias or name (ex. C2).                   ==
# == Future changes to the spreadsheet will update the constraint.      ==
# == if necessary, the macro help you to create alias                   ==
# == USE:                                                               ==
# == 1) Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint                         ==
# == 2) Click on a spreadsheet cell                                     ==
# == 3) Launch the macro                                                ==
# ==    if the cell has an alias, the length property will be something ==
# ==    like 'Spreadsheet.alias'.                                       ==
# ==    if not, just something like 'Spreadsheet.C2'                    ==
# == You can select lines, points line, points, circle...               ==
# == You can't select external objetcs  (next version will be able to   ==
# ========================================================================
# ========================================================================
__author__ = "2cv001"
__title__   = "Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"
__date__    = "2023/03/22"    #YYYY/MM/DD
__version__ = __date__
__icon__    = ""
__Wiki__    = ""

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
import PySide2
from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication
import PySide
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import Draft, Part, Sketcher
import itertools
import configparser
import os
from importlib import reload 
importAliasOk = True

# part code for alias
# parameters for alias creation
separateur = " "      # typically put " " so blanks will be replaced by nouveauCaract
nouveauCaract = ''    #Put for example "_" to have the separators replaced by "_". Put "" to have no separator
majuscule = True      #set to True if you want  "Diametre du cercle" to be "DiametreDuCercle"
changeTexteCellule = False  # the text will only be changed if changeCellText is True. 
                          # This does not change anything for the allias itself
premierCaractereEnMinuscule = True # Force the first character to be in lower case

# list of characters to be replaced by an equivalent. for example 'é' will be replaced by 'e
# if you add characters, please send me a private message. Il will eventually add it in my code.
caracEquivalents = [ ['é','e'],['è','e'],['à','a'],['@','a'],['&','e'],['ç','c'],
                  ['$',''],['+',''],['-',''],['*',''],['/',''],['\\',''] ]

def remplaceCartatParEquivalent(caractere):
# replaces a character with its equivalent if it exists
    caracResult = caractere   
    for couple in caracEquivalents:
        if (couple[0] == caractere):
            caracResult = couple[1]
    return caracResult

def remplaceCararcDansMot(mot):
#replaces all characters of the word with its equivalent if it exists
    motResult = mot
    for caract in mot:
        a = remplaceCartatParEquivalent(caract)
        motResult = motResult.replace(caract, a)
    return motResult

def traitementChaineSource(chaineSource, separateur, nouveauCaract, majuscule):
# If separator is ' ' and nouveauCaract is '_', and majuscule is True
# transforms "Diametre du cylindre" into "Diametre_Du_Cylindre
    chaineResult = ''
    first = True
    carctDeSeparation = ''
    for mots in chaineSource.split(separateur): 
        mots = remplaceCararcDansMot(mots)
        if (not (first)):
            carctDeSeparation = nouveauCaract 
        if (majuscule):
            chaineResult = chaineResult + nouveauCaract + mots[:1].upper() + mots[1:]
            # We use "[:1]" instead of "[0]", 
            # for no crash in case of an empty string (which happens if the cell is empty)
            chaineResult = chaineResult + nouveauCaract + mots
    if premierCaractereEnMinuscule :
        chaineResult = chaineResult[:1].lower() + chaineResult[1:]
    return chaineResult

def setAlias():
    sels = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
    # If the user wants to trigger the creation of alias
    # it is sufficient that he does not select any objects in the sketch 
    # but select cells containing strings in the left hand column 
    # of where he want the alias to be created
    # so test if an object is selected :
    # result : False if macro can continue.
    if len(sels) !=0 :
        return False
    else :
         ### A dialogue is displayed asking the user if he is sure
        if QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(Gui.getMainWindow(),
        'Warning', 'You did not select any object in an active sketch.' +  
        '\nDoes it mean you want to create alias automatiquely for cells at the right of selected cells ?',
        QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel) == QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel: 
            # if user dont want
            return False
    aw = Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().activeSubWindow() # Store the active window       
    try :
        mySpreadSheet = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSheet()
    except :
         QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Warning", "No active spreadsheet with selected cells.")
         return True
    # To get list of all selected cells
    sel_items = aw.widget().findChild(QtGui.QTableView).selectedIndexes() 

    ### We define a function that will return the cell identifier from its row (r) and column (c) numbers
    ### Numbers start at 0 for the first row/column
    ### Columns are correctly managed with a 2-letter identifier
    cellName = lambda r,c:'{}{}{}'.format(chr(c//26 + 64) if c//26 > 0 else '', chr(c%26 + 65), r + 1)

    # we check that one of the cells is not a numeric. If not, message and exit
    for item in sel_items: # The selected cells are scanned
        cell = cellName(item.row(), item.column()) # We retrieve the cell ID
        activeCellContenu = mySpreadSheet.getContents(cell)
        f = ''
        try :
            f = float(activeCellContenu)
        except :
        if f!= '' :
                "Warning", "There is a number in one of the selected cells." + 
                " Alias is not possible. \nTry again after correction")
            return False
    for item in sel_items: # The selected cells are scanned
        cell = cellName(item.row(), item.column()) # The cell identifier is retrieved
        next_cell = cellName(item.row(), item.column() + 1) # We get the ID of the cell next to the right
        activeCellContenu = mySpreadSheet.getContents(cell)
        # processing the character string contained in the cell
        activeCellContenu = traitementChaineSource(activeCellContenu, separateur, nouveauCaract, majuscule)
        if changeTexteCellule:# if the changeCellText parameter is set to True then we replace the text in the cell
            mySpreadSheet.set(cell, activeCellContenu)
        alias = activeCellContenu

        try: # Bloc try to recover errors
            mySpreadSheet.setAlias(next_cell, alias) # The alias is assigned to the right-hand neighbouring cell

        except ValueError: # If a "ValueError" is triggered (which happens when the alias is not valid)
            # The user is warned in the report
            App.Console.PrintWarning("Can't set alias for cell {} : {} isn't valid\n".format(next_cell, alias))
    return True        

# End part code for alias

# if no spreadsheet detected, ask for a creation
# return :
# 'exist' if one already exists
# 'new' if a new is create
# 'no' if user does not want it
def isExistSpreadSheet() :
    def firstSpreadSheet(doc = App.ActiveDocument):
        for obj in doc.Objects:
            if obj.TypeId == 'Spreadsheet::Sheet':
                return obj
        return None
    mySpreadSheet = firstSpreadSheet()
    if not mySpreadSheet :
        wantNewSpreadSheet = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, "No spreadsheet detected",
        "No spreadsheet in your document. Create one ?",
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)

        if wantNewSpreadSheet == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:
            mySpreadSheet = App.activeDocument().addObject('Spreadsheet::Sheet', 'Spreadsheet')
            return 'new'
        else :
            return 'no'
    return 'exist'

# Dialog box
# Ask user which sort of constraint is required
class getConstraintType(QtGui.QDialog):
    def __init__(self, widgetToFocus = None):
        super(getConstraintType, self).__init__()
        self.widgetToFocus = widgetToFocus

    def initUI(self):
        gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
        option1Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_HorizontalDistance.svg"), "")
        option2Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_VerticalDistance.svg"), "")
        option3Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/constraints/Constraint_Length.svg"), "")
        option1Button.setText("Lenght constrainte X")
        option2Button.setText("Lenght constrainte Y")
        option3Button.setText("Lenght constrainte")
        option1Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte X")
        option2Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte Y")
        option3Button.setToolTip("Lenght constrainte")

        option4Button = QtGui.QPushButton(QtGui.QIcon(":/icons/application-exit.svg"), "Cancel")
        option4Button.setToolTip("Option 4 tooltip")

        gridLayout.addWidget(option1Button, 0, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option2Button, 0, 1)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option3Button, 1, 0)
        gridLayout.addWidget(option4Button, 1, 1)

        self.setGeometry(250, 250, 0, 50)
        self.setWindowTitle("Choose a constraint type")
        self.choiceConstraint = ''


        # set focus to specified widget
        if self.widgetToFocus == 'DistanceX':
        elif self.widgetToFocus == 'DistanceY':
        elif self.widgetToFocus == 'Distance':

        # Add checkbox
        self.checkBox = QtGui.QCheckBox("Conflict detection")
        gridLayout.addWidget(self.checkBox, 2, 0, 1, 2)

        # read ini file to get last checkBoxState
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        # macroDirectory = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro").GetString("MacroPath") + "\\"
        macroDirectory = FreeCAD.getUserMacroDir(True)
        try :
            filePath = os.path.join(macroDirectory, "constraintFromTabIcone.ini")
            # read ini file to know last time state
            lasChecked = config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'save_checkbox_state')
        except :
            # print('no ini file. Ini file will be create for next launch')

        # window positioning
        centerPoint = QGuiApplication.screens()[0].geometry().center()
        self.move(centerPoint - self.frameGeometry().center())

    def onOption1(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'DistanceX'

    def onOption2(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'DistanceY'

    def onOption3(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'Distance'

    def onOption4(self):
        self.choiceConstraint = 'Cancel'

    def onOptionCheckBox(self):
        #macroDirectory = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro").GetString("MacroPath") + "\\"
        macroDirectory = FreeCAD.getUserMacroDir(True)
        # Save checkbox state to file
        filePath = os.path.join(macroDirectory, "constraintFromTabIcone.ini")
        config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        config['DEFAULT'] = {'save_checkbox_state': str(int(self.getCheckBoxState()))}
        with open(filePath, 'w') as configfile:

    def getCheckBoxState(self):
        return self.checkBox.isChecked()

# Give the focus to editing sketch window
# no parameter
# use : activateSketchEditingWindow()
def activateSketchEditingWindow():
    def searchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel = 0):
        return recursiveSearchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel, 1)

    def recursiveSearchForNode(tree, childName, maxLevel, currentLevel):
            if tree.getByName(childName):
                return True;
            elif maxLevel > 0 and currentLevel >= maxLevel:
                return False;
                for child in tree.getChildren():
                    if recursiveSearchForNode(child, childName, maxLevel, currentLevel + 1):
                        return True
        return False

    doc = Gui.ActiveDocument
    if not doc:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No active document")
    views = Gui.ActiveDocument.mdiViewsOfType("Gui::View3DInventor")
    if not views:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No 3D view opened for active document")
    editView = None
    for view in views:
        if searchForNode(view.getSceneGraph(), "Sketch_EditRoot", 3):
            editView = view
    if not editView:
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(Gui.getMainWindow(), "Activate window", "No 3D view has sketch in edit mode for active document")
    for win in Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().subWindowList():
        if editView.graphicsView() in win.findChildren(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView):

# to get necessary values for the constraint
# Parameters :
# sel : selection of objects (a line, 2 points..).
# numOrdreObjSelected if we want the first objetc selected or the second.
# indexExtremite if we want the start point (1) or the end point (2), if exist, of the sel
# return features of a point
# - typeInSubElementName
# - indexObjectHavingPoint index of the object having the point (line...)
# - indexExtremiteLine index of the ends (points) of the line (= start point or end point)
# -x, y : coordinates of the point
def featuresObjSelected (mySketch, sel, numOrdreObjSelected, indexExtremite) :
    indexExtremiteLine = 1
    indexObjectHavingPoint = -10
    typeIdGeometry = None
    x, y = 0, 0
    itemName = sel.SubElementNames[numOrdreObjSelected] # ex Edge5 ( line)
    if itemName == 'RootPoint' :
        typeInSubElementName = 'RootPoint'
        indexObjectHavingPoint = -1
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        x, y = 0, 0
    else :
        typeInSubElementName, numInNameStr = [''.join(c) for _, c in itertools.groupby(itemName, str.isalpha)] # Edge5 renvoie'Edge' et '5'
        numInName = int(numInNameStr)

    # only one selected object
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Edge'and len(sel.SubElementNames) == 1: # selection is only one line
        indexObjectHavingPoint = numInName - 1
        indexExtremiteLine = indexExtremite
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        # typeIdGeometry : 'Part::GeomCircle' or 'Part::GeomLineSegment'
        if typeIdGeometry in  ['Part::GeomLineSegment'] :
            if indexExtremite == 1 :
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.y
            elif indexExtremite == 2 :
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.y
    if typeInSubElementName == 'ExternalEdge'and len(sel.SubElementNames) == 1:                
        print(f"The selected ExternalEdge is available for constraints as geometry ({-numInName - 2})") 
        indexObjectHavingPoint = - numInName - 2 
        indexExtremiteLine = indexExtremite        
        tabExternalGeomery = []
        for item in ActiveSketch.ExternalGeometry :
            for objName in item [1] :
                # to get something like
                # [('Sketch', 'Edge2'), ('Sketch001', 'Edge2'), ('Sketch001', 'Edge1'), ('Sketch', 'Edge1')]
                tabExternalGeomery.append((item[0].Name, objName))
        externalSketchName, externalGeometryName = tabExternalGeomery[numInName - 1]
        iTypeExternal, iNumStr = [''.join(c) for _, c in itertools.groupby(externalGeometryName, str.isalpha)]
        print('iTypeExternal', iTypeExternal)
        iNumExtGeometry = int(iNumStr)
        print(f"Its properties are reachable at App.ActiveDocument.{externalSketchName}.Geometry[{iNumExtGeometry - 1}]")
        typeIdGeometry = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].TypeId
        if typeIdGeometry == 'Part::GeomLineSegment' :
            print('Properties : ', App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1])
            print('First point vector', App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].StartPoint)
            print('End point vector', App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].EndPoint) 
            if indexExtremite == 1 :
                x = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].StartPoint.x
                y = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].StartPoint.y
            elif indexExtremite == 2 :    
                x = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].EndPoint.x
                y = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].EndPoint.y

        if typeIdGeometry == 'Part::GeomCircle' : 
        # to do        
            print('Its a circle. Center vector :', App.ActiveDocument.getObject(externalSketchName).Geometry[iNumExtGeometry - 1].Center) 

    # We selected a circle but for center (two objects selected)
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Edge'and len(sel.SubElementNames) == 2:
        indexObjectHavingPoint = numInName - 1
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        if typeIdGeometry in  ['Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] :
            x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.x
            y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.y
            indexExtremiteLine = 3 # 3 for center

    # We selected a vertex
    if typeInSubElementName == 'Vertex' : # selection is 2 points. sel is a vertex (a point of a line) :
        indexObjectHavingPoint, indexExtremiteLine = sel.Object.getGeoVertexIndex(numInName - 1)
        typeIdGeometry = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId == 'Part::GeomLineSegment' :
            if indexExtremiteLine == 1 :
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].StartPoint.y
            if indexExtremiteLine == 2:
                x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.x
                y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].EndPoint.y
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId == 'Part::GeomPoint' :
            x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].X
            y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Y
        # we select a vertex Circle (so the center)
        if mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].TypeId in ['Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] :
            x = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.x
            y = mySketch.Geometry[indexObjectHavingPoint].Location.y

    if typeInSubElementName == 'Constraint' and len(sel.SubElementNames) == 1 :
        indexConstraint = numInName - 1
        indexObjectHavingPoint = indexConstraint
        typeIdGeometry = 'Constraint'

    return typeIdGeometry, typeInSubElementName, indexObjectHavingPoint, indexExtremiteLine, x ,y

# function returning selected objects at GUI level
#  = Sketch, SpreadSheet ....
# parameter :
# '' = no filter
# 'Spreadsheet::Sheet' for spreadsheets only
# 'Sketcher::SketchObject' for sketches etc...
# output: an array of sketch objects, spreadsheets etc.
def getGuiObjsSelect(type = ''):
    tabGObjSelect = []
    selections = Gui.Selection.getCompleteSelection()
    for sel in (selections):
        if hasattr(sel, 'Object'):   # depend freecad version
            if type == '' or sel.Object.TypeId == type :
        else :
            if type == '' or obj.TypeId == type :
    return tabGObjSelect

# Main proceddure
def main():
    sheckBoxConstraintConflicState = False
    indexConstraint = -1
    if isExistSpreadSheet() in ['no', 'new'] :
    # have a look if user wants alias
    if importAliasOk :
        if setAlias():
    try :
        mySketch = ActiveSketch
    except :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning", "Select object must be done in edition mode")
    mySketchName = mySketch.Name #actually not use

    # Part SpreadSheet
    sheets = getGuiObjsSelect('Spreadsheet::Sheet')
    for sheet in sheets :
        Gui.Selection.removeSelection(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name, sheet.Name)
    try :
        mySpreadSheet = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSheet()
    except :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning",
                "1- Select a line or 2 points" + 
                "\n 2- go to a spreadsheet" + 
                "\n 3- select the cell containing the value." + 
                "\n 4- stay in the spreadsheet and launch the macro")
    mySpreadSheetName = mySpreadSheet.Name
    # select the Spreadsheet To be able to retrieve the selected cell :
    # retrieve the selected cell
    ci = lambda :Gui.getMainWindow().centralWidget().activeSubWindow().widget().findChild(QtGui.QTableView).currentIndex()
    cellCode = '{}{}{}'.format(chr(ci().column()//28 + 64) if ci().column()//26 > 0 else '', chr(ci().column()%26 + 65), ci().row() + 1)
       cellContents = float(mySpreadSheet.get(cellCode))
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning",
                 "Click on a cell with a numeric value before runing the macro")
    cellAlias = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(mySpreadSheetName).getAlias(cellCode)

    # Part sketch
    sels = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()

    if len(sels) == 0 or len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 0 :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning", "Anathing is select.\n" + 
              "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")
    elif len(sels[0].SubElementNames) > 2  :
        QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning", "Too many objects selected.\n" + 
              "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")
    else :

        # only one obj selected
        if len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 : # only one obj selected
            #startPoint of the line
            (typeIdGeometry1, typeInSubElementName1, indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexExtremiteLine1, x1 ,y1)=featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0], 0, 1)
            if typeInSubElementName1 == 'Constraint' and len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 :
            elif typeIdGeometry1 == 'Part::GeomLineSegment' :
                (typeIdGeometry2, typeInSubElementName2, indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexExtremiteLine2, x2 ,y2) = featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0], 0, 2)
        # two obj selected
        if len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 2: # two obj selected
            (typeIdGeometry1,typeInSubElementName1, indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexExtremiteLine1, x1 ,y1) = featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0], 0, 1)
            (typeIdGeometry2,typeInSubElementName2, indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexExtremiteLine2, x2 ,y2) = featuresObjSelected (ActiveSketch, sels[0], 1, 1)
            if ((typeInSubElementName1 not in ('Vertex', 'RootPoint') or typeInSubElementName2 not in ('Vertex', 'RootPoint'))
                    and not(typeIdGeometry1 in ('Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle') and typeInSubElementName1 in ['Edge'])) :
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, "Warning", "2 objects are selected but not 2 points .\n" + 
                "Select 1 line, 2 points or a constraint in a sketch before selecting a cell in the spreadsheet")

    # line or points have been selected have a look if we need to swap points
    # -------------------------------------
    if ((len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 and typeIdGeometry1 in['Part::GeomLineSegment'] )
           or (len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 2 and typeIdGeometry1
            in['Part::GeomLineSegment', 'Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle', 'Part::GeomPoint'] )) :

        # ask the user what kind of constraint he wants
        # to give focus on the good button
        # (Button DistanceX if the two points are more horizontal than vertical)
        if abs(x1 - x2) > abs(y1 - y2) :
            buttonHavingFocus = 'DistanceX'
        else :
            buttonHavingFocus = 'DistanceY'
        form = getConstraintType(buttonHavingFocus)
        # is the checkboxSheced ?
        sheckBoxConstraintConflicState = form.getCheckBoxState()
        if form.choiceConstraint in ('Cancel', '') :
        myConstraint = form.choiceConstraint # 'DistanceX' or 'DistanceY' or 'Distance'

        if (myConstraint == 'DistanceX' and x1 > x2) or  (myConstraint == 'DistanceY' and y1 > y2) :
                indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexObjectHavingPoint2 = indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexObjectHavingPoint1
                indexExtremiteLine1, indexExtremiteLine2 = indexExtremiteLine2, indexExtremiteLine1

    # create constraint
    if cellAlias == None :
        cellExpression = mySpreadSheetName + '.' + cellCode
    else :
        cellExpression = mySpreadSheetName + '.' + cellAlias

    if (len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 and typeIdGeometry1 in['Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] ) :
        indexConstraint = mySketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('Diameter', indexObjectHavingPoint1, cellContents))

    elif typeIdGeometry1 != 'Constraint' : # no selected constraint, just line or points
        #create the constraint
        indexConstraint = mySketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint(myConstraint
                 , indexObjectHavingPoint1, indexExtremiteLine1, indexObjectHavingPoint2, indexExtremiteLine2, cellContents))
    # for all type except ExternalEdge, set the constraint'formula' (ex : 'spreadSheet.unAlias')
    if typeInSubElementName1 not in ['ExternalEdge'] :
        mySketch.setExpression('Constraints[' + str(indexConstraint) + ']', cellExpression)
    if typeInSubElementName1 in ['ExternalEdge'] and typeIdGeometry1 in ['Part::GeomLineSegment', 'Part::GeomCircle', 'Part::GeomArcOfCircle'] and len(sels[0].SubElementNames) == 1 :
        mySketch.setDriving(indexConstraint, False)  # External edge constraint is a reference
    # put Sketch window ahead
    # FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()
    #if Gui.ActiveDocument.getInEdit() == Gui.ActiveDocument.Sketch:

    # is ther constraintes conflicts ?
    if sheckBoxConstraintConflicState :
        #if App.activeDocument().isTouched(): # isTouched is not ok in Daily Freecad
        if 'Invalid' in mySketch.State :
            a = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, "",
                "Constraints conflic detected. Cancel constraint creation ? ",
                QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)
            if a == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:


if __name__ == '__main__':

Last edited by 2cv001 on Wed Mar 22, 2023 3:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet : ... adsheet/fr
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by Syres »

2cv001 wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:15 am Is it ok like this ?

To make it easier to explain the readability changes, I've made a temporary Github branch on my repository, so you can see the extra spacing just makes it easier to read ... e0799fe8fb

You can just copy the raw file from ... et.FCMacro

Once you've updated the Wiki with the code, please let me know because the last check I need to go through is the AddonManager install which currently generates an error. The user is therefore left to manually copy the file contents which isn't ideal but it might have been due to the those characters that you removed so I'll need to retest it on Windows and Linux English(UK).
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Re: New Macro " Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet"

Post by 2cv001 »

Syres wrote: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:45 am
To make it easier to explain the readability changes, I've made a temporary Github branch on my repository, so you can see the extra spacing just makes it easier to read ... e0799fe8fb

You can just copy the raw file from ... et.FCMacro

Once you've updated the Wiki with the code, please let me know because the last check I need to go through is the AddonManager install which currently generates an error. The user is therefore left to manually copy the file contents which isn't ideal but it might have been due to the those characters that you removed so I'll need to retest it on Windows and Linux English(UK).
Thanks again @Syres !

I changed the code in the previous message.
I couldn't take your code as is because in the meantime I had made some changes, but I think I have corrected my code as you suggested. Maybe I missed some things.
I have updated the wiki code.
Macro Sketch Constraint From Spreadsheet : ... adsheet/fr
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