Groups that have an object.

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Groups that have an object.

Post by leoheck »

Is possible to get a list of Groups an object is nested on?

For instance, suppose I have this in the Objects tree:

Code: Select all

I want to get something like this by passing the ObjectX

Code: Select all

["GroupB", "GroupA"]
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Re: Groups that have an object.

Post by Syres »

I'm sure there's a better way to handle multiple recursive tree searches but my brain's in wind down mode:

Code: Select all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import FreeCAD
objs = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects

for obj in objs:
    groupList = []
    if obj.TypeId != 'App::DocumentObjectGroup':
        parents = obj.InList
        for parent in parents:
            if parent.isDerivedFrom('App::DocumentObjectGroup'):
                grandparents = parent.InList
                for grandparent in grandparents:
                    if grandparent.isDerivedFrom('App::DocumentObjectGroup'):
    if len(groupList) > 0:

There's some Tree traversing code in here that also may be of use, it's quicker when dealing with really large files:

Code: Select all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Togglevis is a macro created for FreeCAD .19 and is intended to toggle the visibility of selected/non selected objects to make it easer to edit when you have many objects in scene
# HOW TO USE: select the objects you want to keep visible (any vertex, edge, face will work) then run the macro. 
# All non selected objects will be hidden. 
# Run the macro again to restore previsous visibility state.
__title__    = ""
__author__   = "Paulo Rogerio de Oliveira"
__version__  = "1.0"
__date__     = "2021/03/31"    #YYY/MM/DD

__Comment__  = "hide unselected objects so you can edit then easily. restore prior visibility state running the macro again"
__Help__     = "Select objects you must keep visible and run the macro. Run it again to restore previsous visibility"
__Status__   = "stable"
__Requires__ = "freecad 0.19 (not tested in previous versions)"

import FreeCAD

import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name
# clear output window

#	c=mw.findChild(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit, "Python console")
#	c.clear()
#	r=mw.findChild(QtGui.QTextEdit, "Report view")
#	r.clear()

#initialize cache
if not hasattr(FreeCAD, "previouslyVisibleObjects"):
if not hasattr(FreeCAD, "previouslyHiddenObjects"):

# store all parents of all selected objects to ensure its keep visible (store the Label)
# for parentList and selectedList, store the QTreeWidgetItem reference. Try to avoid error if change label while in edit mode
parentList = []
selectedList = []

# try to get internal object associated with QTreeWidgetItem
def getInternalObject(treeItem):
	# first looks by Label
	obj = App.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel(,0))
	if len(obj) > 0:
		return obj[0]
		# if not found, looks by Name
		return App.ActiveDocument.getObject(,0))
# for each object in treeview
def traverse(list, pad):
	# for each child
	for idx in range(list.childCount()):
		item = list.child(idx)
		name =, 0)
		obj = getInternalObject(item)

		isParent = name in parentList
		isSelected = name in selectedList

		# hide any object that is visible and not parent of selected or selected itself - store it on list to restore state later
		if obj.Visibility == True and not isParent and not isSelected:
			obj.Visibility = False

		# if not selected, not a group or if its parent of selected, traverse childs
		if not isSelected: 
			if not hasattr(obj, "Group") or isParent:
				traverse	(item, pad + "  ")

# if there are objects in visibility cache, you are in edit mode		
inEdit = len(FreeCAD.previouslyVisibleObjects) > 0
if inEdit:
	FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog('Leaving Edit Mode\n')
	# show all objects that where visible when entered edit mode
	for object in FreeCAD.previouslyVisibleObjects:
		obj = getInternalObject(object)
			obj.Visibility = True
	# hide all objects that where hidden when entered edit mode
	for object in FreeCAD.previouslyHiddenObjects:
		obj = getInternalObject(object)
			obj.Visibility = True
	# reset visibility cache
	FreeCAD.previouslyVisibleObjects = []
	FreeCAD.previouslyHiddenObjects = []

	tab = mw.findChild(QtGui.QTabWidget, u'combiTab')
	tree = tab.widget(0).findChildren(QtGui.QTreeWidget)[0]
	top = tree.invisibleRootItem().child(0)

	# get selected objects
	sels = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
	if not sels:
		FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Select something first!\n\n")
		for obj in sels:
			currentSelectedName = obj.Name
		FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog('Entering Edit Mode of '+doc+' - '+currentSelectedName+'\n')
		# import time
		# start_time = time.time()
		# find the treeitem for ActiveDocument
		for idx in range(top.childCount()):
			doc 	= top.child(idx)
			if,0) == App.ActiveDocument.Label:
				top = doc

		# store a list of selected items and its parents to keep it visible
		for sel in tree.selectedItems():
			current = sel
			while current:
				obj = getInternalObject(current)
				if hasattr(obj, "Visibility") and obj.Visibility == False:
				current = current.parent()
				if current:

		traverse(top, "")
		# print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
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Re: Groups that have an object.

Post by Roy_043 »

There is also InListRecursive.

Code: Select all

[o.Name for o in obj.InListRecursive]
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Re: Groups that have an object.

Post by leoheck »

Thank you guys.
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